Sunday, July 16, 2006

Zul'Gurub today

The League tackled ZG today and it took a while before we were able to get enough to fill the spots. I went in equipped with firewater potions and 16 major health potions. The raid started well with Rubin rotating in as main tank this week. He did a great job with Venoxis where we had only a few deaths. After that, we tackled Jek'lik the bat. There was a great first attempt but unfortunately she changed form just as a wave of bats came. We wiped the first time but managed to take her down the second time and I lived! I think the main tank rotation is a great idea and I know my repair bill was significantly lower than last week's.

After taking down Jek'lik, we moved on to Thekal but were unable to take him down. There is noticeable progress, though, as we've almost made it possible to take him down in his first phase. On each attempt, we seem to get a bit further. It seems that now we're facing a problem with our tanks taking too much damage and our healers unable to keep up. There were some good drops today and I hope the guild will get stronger.

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