Saturday, July 15, 2006

45 Minute Baron Run

Last night Shye, Defyer, Dethwytch, Anacreon and I attempted the 45-minute Baron run in my first all Singaporean run!

Anacreon has successfully led groups through and hopes were high that this would be a successful run. We had problems initially with the Baroness and we restarted and got her down on the second try. In the end, the run failed but there were some positives. Now we know the proper route to take and which mobs can be skipped. It's very tough as there's quite a learning curve in knowing where to position yourself and where to go. To me the 45-minute run really does nothing, I've got nothing worth the effort of upgrading but I'm happy to help others and the challenge makes it interesting. Thanks to Anacreon for leading our group and lots of envy for his uber DPS gear!

We were going to start another run after a break but Anacreon wasn't on so we decided to run Scholomance instead and things were easy until we decided to kill Jandice. Oh, what a pain! Besides Father Flame, Jandice is someone I'd rather avoid mainly because the process of getting to Jandice is more of a pain than killing her. Anyway, another successful Scholo run but 0 valor pieces as usual. Grats to Valkesh for getting the wand off Gandling. On a side note, my partner got angry at me staying up so late and keep her awake talking on vent... Hmm, better start earlier runs.

ZG tomorrow! I'm excited! I hope my repair bill is more manageable this time.

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