Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Patch 1.12 Love

I love this new patch. I can finally go to Arathi Basin as and when I like and not have to worry so much about being outnumbered. This also means that those like me which are playing on a US server at an Oceanic time can finally farm the honour and rep without having to wait till the weekends.

Last night was simply fantastic. I won a few Arathi Basin matches and an Alterac Valley one. I'm really aiming to get the Defiler's set in AB. This is finally going to be possible on a server which just doesn't do enough AB.

Last night wasa good night for Shye, too. He finally got his Devout Crown which completes his set and he can go on to upgrade all the pieces. I'm STILL trying to get my valor helm after more than 40 trips to Scholomance. It just really peeves me that some guys can get it on their first go.

The guild ventures into MC for the second time this weekend and I'm keen to see what drops will be available this time.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Tier 0.5 Creeps Closer to the End

Yesterday night was a long and tedious session of farming the Ogre Warbeads for the Tier 0.5 quest. I finally finished the quest along with Chamankaga and Dethwytch. Defyer was kind enough to stay with us to finish the quest. Shye still has 3 or 4 beads to go so it looks as if we might do a quick farming run tonight to finish off that quest.

The next parts involve killing some ghosts in DM West and then the hard part with taking down a PVP group of NPCs in BRD.

My only regret last night was not being able to go to DM North with Linkinx. The guy was really keen on leading a tribute run and we initially were going to Scholomance until the group reversed its decision. I'll try to make it up to Link soon and go with him in the capacity as either tank or healer.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Weekend Joy

A lucky few days over the weekend saw me net the Valor Spaulders and Chestplate of Valor from UBRS. This came as a total surprise and I'm extremely happy as it brings me a lot closer to completing my Tier 0 setpiece and allowing me to continue with the Tier 0.5 quests. I'm now up to a part where I have to collect ogre warbeads and it's been a frustrating time as the droprate is not all that high.

3 Scholomance runs over the weekend did not result in much as only Shadowcraft and Dreadmist dropped. It was extremely disappointing as I've now run Scholomance maybe 20 times in the last few weeks alone. On the bright side, Shye did get the Headmaster's Charge, an epic staff with nice bonuses.

A few AV runs saw me edge closer to Exalted. I'm now just about 4000 rep away from that target. Unfortunately, I'm still too poor to afford the quest rewards, haha. Oh well, I'll slowly make back that money.

I'll be running DM North as much as possible this week in an effort to get all my remaining ogre beads. In between I'll try to schedule a few Scholomance runs to get that elusive helm.

Friday, August 04, 2006

WoW: A Game of Life

To many, WoW is just a game but for some it looks as if the game has started to affect them emotionally. In a MMORPG, that comes as no surprise as different people have conflicts in personality. I, for one, have experienced this on more than one occasion.

Said conflicts often lead to the players being unable to properly put aside their emotions and remember that it's just a game. Again, I am guilty of that. For ordinary games, the angst you feel playing the game is purely directed at the game itself and no other person, but when you play with a number of other individuals, objectivity often takes a backseat.

People are influenced by actions and words from others. Therein lies the magic of a network game. You develop friendships and kinship among a group of players and you can also end up harbouring ill will towards certain individuals.

I am by no means a perfect individual and I am sure that some people may have issues with me. On the whole, though, I believe I try to contribute towards the community and carry myself with dignity. I'm not one to boast, whinge or stir up ill feelings towards others and I can only hope that the same behaviour is reciprocated.

The conclusion of this ramble is that setting yourself apart from a game is sometimes difficult. Gone are the days where you play against the computer and maintain an aloofness. When real people are on the other end, it can be extremely difficult to do that and the only way you can really deal with it is by reminding yourself that it's just a game.