Thursday, July 13, 2006

DM Tribute Run Tips 2/3

After descending the ramp and unlocking the door, you'll see that there's two groups of ogres and minions. They consist of a reaver, a warlock and a doomguard. The preferred way to tackle this is to sap/sheep the warlock, banish the doomguard (if possible) and kill the reaver. Then take care of warlock and finally the doomguard. The doomguard goes down very fast so a bit of focused DPS can easily bring it down.

After that, you'll come into a long hallway with Guard Slip'kik and an eye at the far end. Right in front of you will be a group of plants. AOE them down and pop a pod that's located just at the entrance and a bit to the left. Then get the party to stay at the entrance and have the warrior pull the group of ogres located at the far end of the hallway, behind Slip'kik's patrol route. Time your pull when the eye and Slip'kik have gone and pull the group ALL the way back to be safe. That group consists of two warlocks and their minions. Again, crowd controlling at least one warlock will make the fight a lot easier.

After that's done, have your eye-killer blast the patrolling eye and set the trap. Then get out of range and wait for Slip'kik to get caught in the trap. He stays frozen forever so don't worry.

There's a goblin with a repeatable quest at the far end of the corridor. If you have the Gordok Prisoner Key, you can free him and he gives you a chest that sometimes gets you very valuable patterns.

From there the hallway bends around in a U-shape. Right around the left wall is a group of two ogre reavers. I'd recommend getting a warrior to body pull the two back to where Slip'kik is frozen. Once there, crowd control one and kill the other before finishing off the CC'd one.

Stick to the left wall and go around the U-bend. You'll see a ramp going up and a group of two warlocks and their minions. I'd recommend fighting very close to them so you don't accidentally pull the ogres behind. Again, the same strategy applies as before when fighting 2 warlocks and their minions.

From there, go halfway up the ramp. There will be a group of ogres (1 warlock + minion and reaver) at the top. Pull them down and kill them.

Go to the top of the ramp and you'll see a group on the left consisting of 2 warlocks + minions and another group on the right. It's safer to kill the group on the left first. Pull them all the way back to where the party is bunched up at the top of the ramp. Once that group goes down, take care of the group on the right (1 warlock + minion and reaver).

Where the first group was, you'll see a basket containing ogre tanning which is used in making the ogre suit. Rest up before looting it as an ogre bushwhacker comes down to kill you. Kill the ogre but keep an eye out for any eyes. They, more than anything, are responsible for wipes. Even if you see no eyes, keep a lookout as you climb the ramp. Climb halfway up the ramp and stop as there is another group of ogres at the top (warlock + minion and reaver).

Pull them back down and kill them and then head up the ramp. There will be two reavers guarding a door on the left. Kill those ogres and unlock the door.

Part 3 will be coming soon.

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